Original Music Content
100% original  200% ownership
A B O U T  3G  Musicworks
Reading, Writing and a Rhythmic Tic
CORE INSTRUMENTATION - guitars and keyboards.  Throw in digital recording and high quality virtual
instrument software and you can have a work that provides the sounds of nearly any instrument
(including the vuvuzela, but...)

STYLES - Although the number of "genres" has escalated to the point of absurdity, I would say 3GM
output is mostly Pop, Rock, Blues and Country.

EMOTICUTS - Along with songs having the full intro,verses, chorus, bridge structures, I also create what I
call "Emoticuts" for sync usage.  It appears to me that sync doesn't usually require an entire song to
support a given scene's emotion.  Developing a "mini-song" based on a specific emotional situation takes a
fraction of the time involved in a full-blown song and my focus is to create relatively short segments of
music that provide a versatile set of music components that can be flexibly utilized by project editors. 

MUSIC-TO-SPEC - If you need to commission music based on a specific set of criteria, give me a call - I
love a good challenge!
Want more info?  Call me at 805-300-5178 or email 3G@3GMusicworks.net
3G Musicworks is a small one-stop original music production shop owned
and operated by myself, Gary G. Glover.